Tuesday, August 14, 2018

One step forward to a healthy environment

Our professional technician is very talented and has enough knowledge to carry out stack fumigation perfectly. Outcomes of our fumigation services are exceptionally reliable. Our professional technician's carry out the stack fumigation with the latest equipment which shows the fumigation effects in its best possible way.

Stacks fumigation includes the tarping of goods or commodities under a gas-tarp. The tarp is then sealed to the ground via a number of ways to make sure the gas level is maintained under the tarp. Stack fumigation includes the tarping of goods and commodities under a gas-proof tarp. The tarp is then sealed to the ground via a number of methods to make sure that the gas levels are maintained below the tarp.

A stack can come in size from less than a cubic meter to over 1000 cubic meters .in theoretical studies every fumigation conducted under a gas-proof tarp is considered a stack fumigation.

Fumigation work must only be performed by trained professional for every fumigation one person is responsible as head of the fumigation team from preparing the fumigation for the release of the store for general access. The head of the fumigation team is responsible for success and safety of the fumigation.

Stack fumigation can be divided into five steps

  • Preparation
  • Applications of fumigant and sealing
  • Control during fumigations
  • Verification and release of the store
  • Cleaning of work

The safety regulations and the instructions provided by the manufacturer must be followed during the whole fumigations process.